The IP address allowance policies are managed by ARIN which manages allocation of IP resources in North America. One of ARIN's policies obligates us to justify IP usage. Failure to provide good IP usage justification will prevent us from obtaining new IP addresses blocks. ARIN can verify at any moment if the use of the IP addresses is well justified.
From ARIN's policies : ISPs must have efficiently utilized all previous allocations and at least 80% of their most recent allocation in order to receive additional space. When an ISP submits a request for IP address space to be used for IP-based web hosting, it will supply its technical justification for this practice.
In order to comply with ARIN's policy and prevent any IP allocation delays, we ask our customers to provide IP usage justifications for each IP address assigned to their servers, the new IPs they ask for and to keep this justification up to date for allocated IPs.
Rules to follow to ease the task of providing IP request justifications:
The first IP attributed to your server is usually justified by the domain name which you will use mainly on the server. If no domain name is used on the server, a sub domain can be used as a justification in order to identify the physical server. The second IP address can be requested for named-based hosting to provide web services to all the web sites you will host on your server. Then, you can request other IP addresses for services running on your server which need a dedicated IP address. For example, the use of a SSL certificate or DNS Server Services can require a dedicated IP address.
Web hosting "IP based" is not a good justification to obtain additional addresses. Web hosting should be done "named based" on only one IP address. 80% of all assigned IP addresses must be in use within 30 days following attribution.
It is important to note that all requests for IP addresses justified by a site that requires an SSL certificate must include a proof of purchase for each domains. In addition, domain names must be configured on the server and must contain the contents of the site for which the certificate will be configured.
Before asking for additional IP addresses.
Make sure to use 80% of all assigned IP addresses. Make sure you completed the IP justification forms under your active products in the My Account section of the Customer Hub.. All IP addresses used must be correctly justified with the domains, the sub domains and the services. Submit your complete list of justification for active IP addresses with your new IP addresses requests. Ask your customer or yourself: "Why don't you use the current server Ip addresses?" And give us the explanation or the answer.
If you assign IPs to your customers, make sure they provide valid justifications and complete your IP justification lists with those.
Request for IP addresses denied
It can happen that the justifications given are inadequate. The attribution of the IP addresses is then refused, as in the following cases:
- Requests for IP addresses intended to cheat search engines and for SEO (Search Engines Optimization), will be refused.
- Requests for the use of IP addresses to avoid spam blacklists and for sending emails under different IP sources will be refused.
- IP-Based Web hosting is not an acceptable justification. Web Hosting must be Named-Based.
- All requests for IP addresses which do not meet the standards of the ARIN will be refused.
- You are allowed to have two IP addresses for name servers. All additional name servers must point to the IP addresses of your two main name servers.
Example of a complete IP address justification list
Here's a good justification example:
IP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX [SSL Certificate for] -> Requires a proof of purchase for the domain's certificate
IP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX [Game servers for]
IP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX [Game servers for]
The domains indicated in justification must be assigned to the IP address indicated. When an IP address is assigned for a service which require a dedicated IP address, the service in question must also be running on the server and the corresponding port must be open.
For server resellers, the rules are same; it is a question of asking to your customers to justify the use of their IP addresses in the same way that you would do it yourself. Then, you must complete the usage justification for each server in the My Account section of the Customer Hub.
If you reserve or rent servers in advance, you must follow the following rules: You must always create a sub domain of your own main domain name to identify the server. Specify the subdomain assigned to the server and use the "New Unallocated Server" as your IP justification reason.
For servers provided in advance, you must assign only one IP address per server and add other IP addresses only when needed (when one of your customers will use this server). Only one IP address is allowed for each server that shows the "New Unallocated Server" justification (MAC addresses are verified). When the server is assigned to a customer, be sure to modify the justification for a valid justification.
Be sure that the IP addresses will be used at 80% within the 30 days.
Explain to your customers why it is important to justify the use of an IP address (standards of the ARIN - American Registry for Internet Numbers).