A: Because of the different network configurations and market localities, bandwidth is listed under one of three formats:
- Metered traffic + port speed (ex: 10TB @ 100Mbps)
- This means that you may use up to 10TB of traffic per billing month, to a speed of up to 100Mbps.
- Unmetered traffic + port speed (ex: Unltd @ 1Gbps)
- This means that your downloads and uploads are not counted, and that you may use a speed of up to 1Gbps.
- Bandwidth speed / port speed (ex: 10Mbps/100Mbps)
- This means that while your downloads and uploads are not counted, you are only allowed to use 10Mbps for 95% percent of the billing month, and are allowed to burst beyond 10Mbps for 5% of the billing month, or approximately 36 hours in total.